The Odunpazar area, constructed on the city's south hill, serves as the foundation for Eskişehir's urban growth. Previously, the locals sold the wood they hauled from the mountains at the present-day Sebahattin Günday Park's plaza. As a result, this neighborhood is known as "Odunpazar," which translates to "Wood Bazaar." With its Ottoman civil architectural features and wooden dwellings placed in the protected area, the district is one of the few areas that have survived to the present day. Historical Odunpazarı houses are situated in line with the topographical structure of the region, based on the placement of the street and the land.
The dwellings represent the city's original Anatolian-Turkish texture. The nearby one, two, and three-story residences are generally exposed to the road on the small streets. The bottom levels of the homes were utilized as a pantry, store, woodshed, and warehouse, while the façade was either kept simple or enlivened with tiny windows. When we look at the top stories, we can see that the facades are combined with the projections to link the street, and these areas were used as living spaces.
During the Ottoman Empire's last years, the houses were built by wealthy families. People continue to live, with the majority of them surviving. Some of them have been demolished and rebuilt. Some people put money away carelessly. When you enter the refurbished mansions, you are astounded. How many stories were told in these dwellings that three or four generations had inhabited? You also have no idea how much time has gone.
In Odunpazar, there are structures for religious and social activities, public places, and commerce centers. Kurşunlu Mosque and Social Complex were established in 1525 by Oban Mustafa Paşa. The most important are the Akolan Mosque, Müftü Mosque, Tiryakizade Hasan Paşa Mosque, Sivriolu Mosque, and Şeyh Sahabettin Tomb. Atatürk High School, which has the architectural structure and style of the first national architecture term, The Museum of Republic History (the historic Recruiting Office), and Mal Hatun Primary School are the most beautiful examples of public homes. Odunpazar Town was designated as a historical and urban protected area when it was designated as Odunpazar Historical and Urban Protected Area.