The chambers known as "abbaras," vaults between two walls in the province's old alleys, attract local and foreign tourists in Mardin's eastern region. Artuklu Mayor Abdulkadir Tutaş stated that the abbaras are among the city's most essential and extraordinary structures, but that the number of abbaras has recently decreased from 106 to 57.
The history of these abbaras stretches back to the creation of the city. They are among the city's most important and outstanding architectural accomplishments. Whoever resided here, whether the Artukids or the Ottomans, had a purpose for them. Abbaras was created as a security barrier and as a gateway to block a threat from the lower level. This area has a terracing system. They're arranged three to five meters apart. Abbaras are in length from 5 to 25 meters, and their height ranges from 1.5 to 5 meters.
Unfortunately, we lost nearly half of them when they collapsed over time, leaving us with only 57. These are the ones we have control over. Over time, some of these have degraded. We're doing everything we can to avoid it. They are usually found in the neighborhoods of Savurkap. These are also available in Anlurfa. However, they are referred to as 'aba alt' rather than 'abbara.' The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has repaired 40 abbaras in this area.